"are we going out to dinner?" i asked
"no, BETTER!"
he wouldn't tell me what we were doing so i picked him up along with some dental school buddies and he told me where to drive. we ended up at the fair grounds. as we were walking towards the gate, i smelt a horrible smell and seeing how i was the only one that didn't know what was going on, everyone was laughing at me as i guessed what we were going to see.
"its a petting zoo isn't it?!" "you took me to a petting zoo?!"
nope. i was wrong. it was a RABBIT CONVENTION!
i didn't even know they had those. we didn't get the exact count, but there had to have been almost 100,000 rabbits under one roof! all different kinds! kinds i didn't even know existed! people were there from all over the world to show off their rabbits and enter them into the contest.
all of us couldn't stop laughing for quite a while and then we kind of got into it and loved seeing all of the different breeds. did you know that a boy rabbit is called a buck and a girl rabbit is called a doe? oh, and don't ask a rabbit person what the difference is between a rabbit and a bunnie...they will look at you like you are an idiot and say there is no difference. and you'll get the same look if you ask what a baby rabbit is called.
"where in the world did you hear about this?" we all asked quinn.
"from a guy on the bus."
"naturally." i stated.
and then we went to dinner.
what we saw as we were about to leave was shocking. we couldn't believe our eyes at first. this questionable video should maybe only be watched by adults. funny rabbit people.