Tuesday, March 10, 2009

it's a beautiful day!

when i woke up this morning it seemed like every other morning, jayden chatting away in his crib, i go in to find him standing up smiling from ear to ear when he sees my face, i change his diaper, open up the back door to throw the diaper in the trash, when it hits me....it's warm outside! no cold breeze; not even a titch of cold in the air! it's springtime!!! and from that moment on i haven't been able to get U2's song out of my head "it's a beautiful day"!
so when quinn got home from school we decided to bust out the picnic table, grill, and ipod, and have dinner outside.
it was perfect. jayden loves playing on the ground, we love warm weather and good music, and the steak and pork were divine (quinn having the steak and i having the pork, of course). i take it back, it wasn't perfect....when the trees behind our house bloom and are filled with beautiful red cardinals, that will be perfect. stay tuned.


Lyric Payne said...

Seriously, there are not many things better than eating good food outside in the warmth while listening to good music. You nailed it honey!!

Hilary Jorgensen said...

don't let the weather fool ya, lex. we thought moscow was gearing up for spring with almost 60 degree weather last week. we were wrong-o. winter decided to hit us with (as andy likes to call it) an encore. there's 8" of snow outside and it's below 10 degrees. however, that will make costa rica all the betta, foo'.

anyway, not to rain on your parade. i can't wait for it to be spring!

bbcurfew said...

That's awesome! I'm glad you took advantage of it, cause I hear the weather does this, and then it gets super nasty again. Blah. We'll see.
Brandon pulled out the camping chairs on Saturday after our race. We sat on the porch with chips, sandwiches, and the warm breeze blowing through our hair. So WT. So heaven.

stace said...

i was so jealous reading this post! we had a couple nice days a few weeks ago, but now there is snow on the ground again. i've decided march 1 means spring in my mind. i'm ready for flip flops and skirts w/o tights and leggings underneath. your green table cloth--was that a thrift store find? you seriously have a knack girl! i need some lessons.

Kemp said...

How fun! It has been freezing here!!! I can't wait for spring either it seems like it is so far away! Oh and we did go to big beach.....little beach we avoided we didn't want baby Aiden to see some naked old folks....he he! Hope all is well!

Heather Mills said...

It was an amazing day! Too bad it didn't last long. =( Hopefully it will STAY warm soon!

Quinn, Alexis, Jayden, and Owen Brown said...

What's this I hear about snow!?! :(

jill langston kaufusi said...

I am so jealous. I'm so tired of the snow here.

Karen Brown said...


Quinn, Alexis, Jayden, and Owen Brown said...

78 degrees one day and 29 the next?!!! what the!!!

Kori said...

It sounds just like Idaho! Nice on day and the next we wake up to snow! My kids are getting stir crazy after the teases of spring, then not! Hope all is well with you!

Ashley Thalman said...

next time you dine outside I WANT TO COME!!! Any plans on a new camera or a Utah visit I should know about??

Karen Brown said...

The sun is out today and I am going to copy cat you in a big way! Herbert start up the BBQ!