Monday, March 22, 2010

oh happy day!

happy 1 month birthday owen!
your present...bring you home from the hospital.


Heather Mills said...

Glad to see that you are back home baby Owen! Happy one month!

Mandi and Jeff said...

I'm so glad you are back home with baby Owen! Let me know if you need anything.

Hilary Jorgensen said...

oh-my-gosh! i can't wait to hold him and see him. he is so freakin' cute! glad he's doing better. and, no, i didn't see the michigan game. i was on the road. i'll check it out online though.

Todd and Meagan said...

Hooray! That is such great news. Congrats on your acceptance also :)

Lyric Payne said...

Hip hip hooray!! Only now you might not have as much time to talk! It kind of worked out perfect - you were stuck in the hospital and I was stuck in my house! Owen is absolutely beautiful. I finally got to meet Norah (who is now called my little cashew because she is just bigger than a peanut), so he is the only one I am craving to squeeze. Hurry and find a reason to come home.

Karen Brown said...

once again I can't get enough of the pictures! Thank you! I'm so glad to have him home and well! I'm a serious worry wart! Love you guys! MOM