i think our kid might have a minor addiction. he only gets the binkie at nighttime, but recently he has been wanting it more often, and since we don't give it to him i think his desire for it grows. i guess that is what we get for not taking it away earlier. here is what i found when i went in his room this morning. two binkies at once. one is just not enough. yeah, he's pretty hardcore. sorry j dogg, i think it's time.
i thought it was pretty funny so i took a bunch of pictures. sorry for the overload.
owen doesn't have an addiction (other than my boob....can i say that?) but i can't leave him out.
Jacob was a total addict too. He had to suck on one and hold another. So tough to get rid of. I got rid of Levi's at 8 months just so I wouldn't have the hassle I had with Jacob. And good job for you for nursing Owen!
Hahaha! Jayden is hilarious! I think I already told you this but I've heard that it works...let him watch you cut the nipple off his binkies and then tell him they're broken. He'll try to suck on them but won't be able to keep them in his mouth and eventually he'll just give up on them. I think he looks dang cute sucking on a binky, though...maybe it's a comfort thing since little Owen came along?? See you manana!!
shanah, that is a great idea and i know that it would work, the only problem is that he will still see binkies around the house because of owen. oh, and thanks for the picture!
Gavin did the same thing when he was a year. he decided he wanted it more than just at night. We told him binkies were for babies only(it helped that he saw my nieces with theirs) So we said no more and he didn't really care surprisingly. Mich was also super nervous to take away cohens(he had his during the day as well as the night) he didn't care one bit! Then she was sad she didn't do it earlier. He may surprise you:) Good luck!
i guess there is a benefit of norah not taking a pacifier very well. but, hey, be glad it's just a pacifier that he's addicted to. at least he doesn't have two snickers bars or marijuana joints (i might have gone a little too far with that one).
So funny! Our two little guys seem to have a lot in common... too bad they aren't closer to pal around together. :( Tyler is super addicted and occasionally pulls the two binkie trick as well! I've been mulling over the idea of weaning him off of it. I've decided (for now) to do it after he gets his last tooth. No sense in going through teething pain without his best comfort (pediatrician agreed). Good luck! Every little thing is such an adventure, eh?!
your blog is really interesting && your kids are adorable! maybe yuu could check out my blog (its my first time blogging) @ www.alwayysme.blogspot.com if yuu want, check it out! =)
that was a great overload. so so cute!
Jacob was a total addict too. He had to suck on one and hold another. So tough to get rid of. I got rid of Levi's at 8 months just so I wouldn't have the hassle I had with Jacob. And good job for you for nursing Owen!
Hahaha! Jayden is hilarious! I think I already told you this but I've heard that it works...let him watch you cut the nipple off his binkies and then tell him they're broken. He'll try to suck on them but won't be able to keep them in his mouth and eventually he'll just give up on them. I think he looks dang cute sucking on a binky, though...maybe it's a comfort thing since little Owen came along?? See you manana!!
shanah, that is a great idea and i know that it would work, the only problem is that he will still see binkies around the house because of owen. oh, and thanks for the picture!
Gavin did the same thing when he was a year. he decided he wanted it more than just at night. We told him binkies were for babies only(it helped that he saw my nieces with theirs) So we said no more and he didn't really care surprisingly. Mich was also super nervous to take away cohens(he had his during the day as well as the night) he didn't care one bit! Then she was sad she didn't do it earlier. He may surprise you:) Good luck!
i guess there is a benefit of norah not taking a pacifier very well. but, hey, be glad it's just a pacifier that he's addicted to. at least he doesn't have two snickers bars or marijuana joints (i might have gone a little too far with that one).
So funny! Our two little guys seem to have a lot in common... too bad they aren't closer to pal around together. :( Tyler is super addicted and occasionally pulls the two binkie trick as well! I've been mulling over the idea of weaning him off of it. I've decided (for now) to do it after he gets his last tooth. No sense in going through teething pain without his best comfort (pediatrician agreed). Good luck! Every little thing is such an adventure, eh?!
your blog is really interesting && your kids are adorable! maybe yuu could check out my blog (its my first time blogging) @ www.alwayysme.blogspot.com
if yuu want, check it out! =)
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